Trust in God—He is Able

The world is asking man for a consensus of how we should posture ourselves.  What should we do?
We do the same thing that we are always to do.  Ask God for Wisdom and Understanding and be led by the Holy Spirit.
People this is a virus.  We can try to slow it, but you will not contain it.  And, it is not the only thing the enemy will try to bring against us.  
I am not saying, “Do not follow the wisdom of those with knowledge and understanding.  I am saying that while those with scientific knowledge in this area are applying and succeeding to slow/contain the illness, others are trying to prevent the catastrophic side effects that occur by the isolation and stoppage of moving forward in faith.
This virus and our reaction to it throughout the world was stimulated by fear and anxiety of the unknown.  In the process, we have created a potential for a far greater fear.

We need to trust that supporting the minimal contact that is left in place is the right thing to do.
We have never seen what happens when the world has no food and no shelter.
We may have seen it in areas, and that is devastating.  Imagine seeing it throughout the world—no food, no clean water, pestilence and disease everywhere, anger and hate, fear like you have only read about.
As we deal with this virus the best we can, we need to trust that God is in charge and go forward with Him.

He knows that there is much to be done to save His people.  He has seen to it that we did not lack for food or water while going through this. 
He is also knows the now is the time for planting in order that there will be a harvest, not just of food, but of His children.
Social distancing may continue in the densely populated areas, but even they require the basic services in order to avoid far worse circumstances than this virus.
Less densely populated areas need to begin moving in faith and love, and planting seeds of all kinds that God’s people will not starve for lack of understanding, and no one will starve for lack of food.
You may say this will never happen. However, just a few months ago, you were saying this that has occurred would never happen.
Man is wise and has great knowledge in his own eyes, but in the eyes of God we are foolish, short-sighted, and lacking in trust.
Trust in God!  Go forward in His Love!  Be led by His Spirit!  He is the only One who know the Way and the Truth.


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