
One God, One Body

     Do you not realize that we, who are the Body of Christ, when united as One, intertwined in the Vine with Jesus, in Loving Relationship with God, led by the Holy Spirit form the largest army in the world for the purpose of overcoming all evil, using the most powerful force in the universe, LOVE!!        Stop bickering over traditions and UNITE as ONE to do the Will of God!

Everyone with Love in their Heart--UNITE

July 28, 2020:      PHYSICIANS CENSORED FOR SPEAKING A CURE This day, a group of physicians spoke out about the truth of what is going on in this world. They let the world know that there is a cure for Covid-19.  It is a combination of three common medicines that have been in existence for years, Hydroxychloroquine, Zithromycin, and Zinc.  It is being used and is effective and freely available in the world and is healing people of all ages regardless of underlying health conditions.   IF YOU READ NOTHING ELSE, KNOW THIS IS TRUE!! Now is the time for everyone to unite in prayer.  Call yourselves whatever you like:  Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Muslims, Jews...  If there is Love in your heart, PRAY, and stand together united in the strength of that love. The Evil in the world and the lies that they speak to foster isolation, factions, anger, hate, and fear in order to take control of the world have been exposed. Their plan to bring out...

Evil vs God

Yesterday God had me post a WORD for all to see regarding His plans and desires in this current world. Please read it and trust Him. He desires that we, all  who believe in Him continue to focus on loving each other and building each other up in His Love.  Choose to look for the love in everyone and call it out.  Once exposed, it will fourish.  As God prepares to deal with the leaders and promoters of evil in this world, He wants His children to save those who love Him, but are caught up in the world. He warns against us responding to acts that will cause emotional anger and hatred to overtake us and give evil an opportunity to act with military action through an excuse of need that does not exist. TODAY!  In a video of Trump fanning the flames of HATE and ANGER, he is trying his best to cause us to buy in to taking up arms and fighting. DO NOT LISTEN OR RESPOND TO THE TAUNTING LIES OF THE BULLY!! No, it is not easy to be still, but, when you are, you w...

Spiritual warfare with God

It is God’s Love in us that brings us together woven in a vine nourishing each other and healing each other and we become bonded into the Vine with loving relationships that surpass worldly thoughts and emotions. It starts as people share God’s Love that is in them.  Sometimes they don’t see it, feel it or believe it, but when you look at them through the eyes of Christ, you see something in everyone that is of love. It may be buried under worldly circumstances throughout their life, but you speak it.  Once it is spoken it surfaces and starts to blossom transforming the heart and soul. Evil always tries to stop this by creating fear, anger, and depression, and he will find small vessels to use to cause big issues.  He may use their pride, insecurity, anger, self-centered focus, greed... any emotions that offer an opportunity to have them choose a worldly path instead of God’s path.  Evil can win, if we go forth on our own.  Be still and seek the WORD. Our...

Talk with God?

                                                        How can I talk with God when I have done so many things?       This is a question that most of us ask.  I have heard it from people in all walks of life:  from men and women of all ages from 3 to 73, and older who have held on to something wrong that they did or was done to them from as young as 1 year old, as a child, or a teen, or as they left home and went on their own. These words echo over and over again.  "God can never forgive me, I've done too many things!"       The TRUTH is, God not only can forgive you.  He already has.  Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, and are justified freely by His Grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  God presented Him as a sacrifice o...
 Churches: Do not battle over how to worship the Lord!  God said that we are to worship Him and only Him.  He did not say that we are to bow, kneel, stand, sit, yell, scream, cry...He said worship Him.  Everyone has their own manner/tradition of worship.  God honors them ALL.  Jesus never taught that we had to worship Him in a certain manner! We could be eating, pleading, praising, singing, whatever we do to show Him we believe and trust in Him. Stay true to the WORD, don't try to twist it to fit your desires or traditions, and don't place your traditions as more important than the Worship of God. We are ALL: Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Non-Denominational, pagan, ...ONE BODY, led by the Holy Spirit in God's Love and Wisdom to do the Will of God for His Glory. If the WORD of GOD is in you and His Spirit guides you, you are part of the Body of Christ.  Your building may look different; your worship may sound different; your traditions may be differe...

A Life of Love

  Now is a time that people are seeking the Truth.                   A WAY OF LIFE THAT PROVIDES LOVE AND RELATIONSHIP, HOPE AND JOY!    Not love as the world would try to convince you – sexual promiscuity, live and let live attitudes, what can I get from this person for me.   NO! The love is so deep and pure that it can only be found in Jesus being in your life.   This love is forever focused on one another for the good of the other first;   knowing the joy that you have helped brighten someone’s day, changed someone’s life...Even in those that don’t see it, don’t realize it.   You see it in their posture, their demeanor.   It is a love that is contagious; a love that grows in the heart and sends a yearning throughout the soul to receive and share that gift with others. Today, people are looking for this Love, and it can only be found in God.   Churches everywhere ar...