Churches: Do not battle over how to worship the Lord! God said that we are to worship Him and only Him. He did not say that we are to bow, kneel, stand, sit, yell, scream, cry...He said worship Him. Everyone has their own manner/tradition of worship. God honors them ALL. Jesus never taught that we had to worship Him in a certain manner! We could be eating, pleading, praising, singing, whatever we do to show Him we believe and trust in Him. Stay true to the WORD, don't try to twist it to fit your desires or traditions, and don't place your traditions as more important than the Worship of God. We are ALL: Jew, Catholic, Protestant, Non-Denominational, pagan, ...ONE BODY, led by the Holy Spirit in God's Love and Wisdom to do the Will of God for His Glory. If the WORD of GOD is in you and His Spirit guides you, you are part of the Body of Christ. Your building may look different; your worship may sound different; your traditions may be differe...